Monday, May 19, 2008

Anniversary of Anne Boleyn's death today 5/19

Today in 1536, Anne Boleyn Queen of the Protestant reformation was killed on the Tower Green in the Tower of London. Her co-conspirators or whatever they were called were killed two days prior.

Some people don't like her because she is said to have seduced the king and acted immorally with him. I don't buy this. He sought her out and threatened her family, and what are you going to do in that case if you were her or them? She had precontracted with a decent young man that she probably would have rather married at some point, saying to Henry that the whole affair resulted in "farewell to her youth having spent it to no purpose at all, when [she] could have born sons which is a woman's greatest conslation in this world."

Whatever her deserving of her fate, she is said to have died with dignity, saying of King Henry "a kinder more merciful prince there never was." I think she accomplished with irony what she wasn't able to say directly for fear of how it would impact her family and supporters.

Here is my analysis of how they tried her with so little evidence:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This post is TOTALLY disgusting

But then again so is most reference to medicine during this period.

I think everyone is sort of familiar with the four bodily humors: blood, bile, yellow bile and black bile.

It is interesting to me to think of how those would be thought to be the main liquids in the body except to realize what it would be like to live during that time and have being violently sick to your stomach be a part of life.

I hav progressed through the first two colors of bile, just not the third. But what is sad is to think that black comes eventually.

It is REALLY sad to think that many people died of this. I usually have the concillation when I am puking my guts out that it won't be literal, but many people that got that sick knew that it wouldn't end and would be fatal. Pretty sad way to go. It really makes me greatful for advances in medical science to not only get rid of diseases like cholera but eventually overcome the supertstitions and firmly entrenched philosophical systems that existed in medicine for hundreds of years.